Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Enough in 2014

My one word for 2014 is Enough.

 How much is enough? When is enough enough whether positive (I have enough money to pay my bills) or negative  (enough! I have got to lose weight!)? Do I accomplish enough each day? Am I enough for my spouse? Do I tell my family how much I adore them enough? Will my retirement fund be enough? Do I have enough time left on this earth? Is God big enough? Is there enough wine? Suddenly the word "enough" is a little scary.  I went to the Oneword365 website to find my tribe...others who want to explore "enough"... and so far I am a tribe of one. Do I have enough courage and tenacity to continue? I have never been much into journaling so I may not post enough. But I will explore enough in 2014. Join me?


  1. I'm north of you and chose the same word. So you're not alone!

    Enough as in I'm enough. It's okay to stop and rest, I can say "I've worked enough for today." We have enough stuff, enough time, enough of everything we need. No need to stress and strive as if God would ever leave us without enough.

    I love our word for 2014!

    1. So nice to meet you Sharyn! Your comment is perfect.....today at church, our pastor talked about three things we need to leave behind in 2013 in order to begin anew in 2014: worry, wounds, and wrongs we've committed. To live with any of these distracts us from God's grace which is enough. I am looking forward to exploring enough with you and am praying for others to join our tribe.

  2. I chose the same word so I guess that I've joined you. I discovered your blog when I signed up at oneword365.com. Great to read your reasons behind your word. You can read my reasons here: http://www.ilovedevotionals.com/2014/01/when-you-dont-feel-like-enough.html

    1. Hi Wendy! Looking forward to exploring enough with our tribe in 2014. Happy New Year!

  3. Hi!
    My word is also #enough! I loved your post. I have the similar thoughts on ENOUGH and determined to remind myself that each day this year!

  4. Hi Simone! I'm so happy to meet you.
